Salesy is an all-in-one tool for NUS canteen vendors who want to keep track of their tasks, inventory and suppliers. With Salesy, you can expect a good visualization of your inventory and increased efficiency of your bookkeeping routines. Salesy is optimized for use via a Command Line Interface (CLI) while still having the benefits of a Graphical User Interface (GUI).


1. Quick start

  1. Ensure you have Java SDK 11 or above installed in your Computer.

  2. Download the latest Salesy.jar from here.

  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as your home folder in Salesy.

  4. Double-click the file to start the app. The GUI should appear in a few seconds.

  5. Type in the command box and press Enter to execute it.

  6. Refer to the Features below for details of each command.

2. Important information

  • User has to input details for fields that are not in square brackets, but inputting details for fields in square brackets is optional.
    • e.g. add n/NAME p/PHONE pr/PRICE i/ITEM a/ADDRESS [t/TAG]
    • The NAME, PHONE, PRICE, ITEM and ADDRESS fields are compulsory.
    • The TAG field is optional.
  • For commands that accept tag fields, i.e. add, addTask, edit and editTask, multiple tags are allowed but each tag can only contain a single word.
    • t/Supplier t/Chicken t/Delivery is allowed
    • t/Supplier for Chicken is not allowed
  • Index numbers in commands, e.g. delete <supplier index> are compulsory.

  • When multiple similar prefixes are input by the user, e.g. i/Chicken i/Egg i/Cups, the rightmost prefix and its details, i.e. Cups will be taken as input.

3. Visual Guide

3.1 Statistics Panel

A brief display of important information for inventory and tasks.

An overview of the information panel


More details

  • (A) Incomplete tasks refers to tasks that are shown as Not Done.

  • (B) Overdue tasks refers to tasks that are both Not Done and has a deadline that is before the current date.
    • For example: Today’s date is 11 Feb 2022 and your task’s deadline is 10 Feb 2022, this will be counted as Overdue.
  • (C) Upcoming tasks refers to tasks that have deadlines that are in the future and inclusive of today, that are yet to be completed i.e. Not Done.
    • For example: You have an incomplete task. Today’s date is 11 Feb 2022 and your task’s deadline is 11 Feb 2022 or later, this will be counted as Upcoming.

3.2 Colors used for Inventory

Simple and intuitive colors are used to identify stock levels.

3.2.1 Examples

Inventory Status in the Stats Panel.

Inventory Cards for Items




3.2.2 Simple explanation of the colors

Color Meaning
Red Current stock is at a low level
Orange Current stock is at a moderate level
Green Current stock is at a healthy level
Note: For a more detailed explanation on how colors are determined, refer the appendix.

4. Features

4.1 Add supplier/task/supply item: add

Adds an item of a specified type with the given details

Things you can add:

  • Suppliers
  • Tasks
  • Supply Item (item in inventory)

4.1.1 Format

add n/NAME p/PHONE(8 digits) pr/PRICE i/ITEM a/ADDRESS [t/TAG] (supplier)

Note: Each supplier only supplies one item.

addTask d/TASKNAME dl/DEADLINE [t/TAG] (task)

addItem <supplier index> c/CURRENTSTOCK m/MINIMUMSTOCK (supply item)

Note: Tag rules apply for add and addTask. Refer to this section.

4.1.2 Examples

Add a supplier to Salesy’s address book

add n/ABC PTE LTD p/67009000 pr/$1.10 i/Egg a/Blk 140 Woodlands Ave 3 t/Supplier

Add a task to Salesy

addTask d/Pass ingredients to XXX Pte Ltd dl/2022-12-12

Add an item to Salesy’s inventory

Item from first supplier in address book added

addItem 1 c/10 m/3

4.2 Delete: delete

Deletes the specified item of the specified type from Salesy

Things you can delete:

  • Suppliers
  • Tasks
  • Supply items

4.2.1 Format

delete <supplier index> (supplier)

deleteTask <task index> (task)

deleteItem <item index> (supply item)

4.2.2 Examples

Delete a supplier

delete 1

Delete a task

deleteTask 2

Delete an item in inventory

deleteItem 1

4.3 Mark: mark

Marks the specified task as done to keep task list updated

Things you can mark:

  • Tasks

4.3.1 Format

mark <task index>

4.3.2 Examples

Mark a task that you have completed

mark 2

4.4 Unmark: unmark

Unmarks a previously marked task

Things you can unmark:

  • Tasks

4.4.1 Format

unmark <task index>

4.4.2 Examples

Unmark a task that you have completed

unmark 3

4.5 Edit: edit

Edits a specified item’s details

Things you can edit:

  • Supplier details
  • Tasks
  • Item stock

4.5.1 Format

edit <supplier index> [n/NAME] [p/PHONE] [pr/PRICE] [i/ITEM] [a/ADDRESS] [t/TAG] (supplier)

editTask <task index> [d/DESCRIPTION] [dl/DEADLINE] [t/TAG] (task)

Note: At least one field has to be edited for the command to execute successfully.

editStock <item index> c/CURRENTSTOCK (supply item)

Note: CURRENTSTOCK value for editStock command cannot be more than 9 digits.

Tag rules apply for edit and editTask. Refer to this section.

4.5.2 Examples

  • Edit supplier details

edit 3 pr/$2.50

  • Edit task details

editTask 1 dl/2022-10-10

  • Edit item stock count

editStock 1 c/7

4.6 Find: find

Finds suppliers based on name or item

4.6.1 Format

find n/NAMEVALUE (supplier name)

find i/ITEMVALUE (supplier item)

Note: Multiple keywords can be used for find feature.

4.6.2 Examples

  • Find suppliers with name John Cena

find n/John Cena

  • Find suppliers who supply Eggs

find i/Egg

  • Find suppliers who supply Chickens and Eggs

find i/Chicken Egg

4.7 Increment / Decrement current stock in your inventory

Increases or decreases your stock for a particular item in the inventory

4.7.1 Steps

  1. Take a look at the inventory panel at the middle-bottom section of the application.
  2. Decide on which item to change the stock.
  3. Hover your mouse over item and the white text box with a value 1 in it. (Refer to Figure 1)
  4. Key in your desired amount to add or decrease by. (Refer to Figure 2)
  5. Press the + icon to add your desired amount (or press the - icon to reduce by your desired amount). (Refer to Figure 3)

Figure 1 (below): Initial state


Figure 2 (below): After entering desired value


Figure 3 (below): After pressing the + button


Notice that the current stock of Ginger increased by your desired amount.

4.7.2 Limitations

  • Only able to key in up to a 5 digit value.
  • Only able to key in positive values

4.8 List all data : listAll

Lists all items in the suppliers panel, inventory panel and tasks panel.

4.8.1 Format


4.8.2 Examples

  • After using the find command for supplier contacts, the command listAll will list all contacts in Salesy’s address book.

  • List all entities


4.9 List specific items in the panels

Refreshes and lists all suppliers, tasks or items.

4.9.1 List all suppliers: listSuppliers

List all suppliers Format

listSuppliers Examples

  1. Run the find n/eggs command to find suppliers that supply eggs. (Refer to Figure 4)
  2. If you want to view the full list of suppliers again, run listSuppliers to list all the suppliers. (Refer to Figure 5)

Figure 4 (below) After running find n/eggs


Figure 5 (below) After running listSuppliers


4.9.2 List all tasks: listTasks

Lists all tasks Format

listTasks Examples

  • List all tasks


Note: All tasks displayed in the GUI is sorted by deadline. The task with the earliest deadline is found at the top of the list.

4.9.3 List everything in the inventory: listInventory

Lists the whole inventory. Format

listInventory Examples

  • List all items


4.10 Clear Supplier Address Book: clear

Clears and deletes all suppliers in Salesy.

⚠️WARNING: This command is used to reset only the suppliers in the Suppliers panel. Running this command will remove all suppliers from Salesy. To regain the sample data again, delete addressbook.json from the source folder of the app and re-run Salesy.

5. Command summary

Action Format Examples  
clear (supplier) clear clear  
list (supplier) listSuppliers listSuppliers  
add (supplier) add n/NAME p/PHONE pr/PRICE i/ITEM a/ADDRESS [t/TAG] add n/ABC PTE LTD p/67009000 pr/$1.10 i/Egg a/Blk 140 Woodlands Ave 3 t/Supplier  
delete (supplier) delete <supplier index> delete 1  
edit (supplier) edit <supplier index> <attribute name>/ <new value> edit 3 pr/#1.70  
find (supplier) find n/NAMEVALUE
find n/John Cena
find i/Egg
find i/Chicken Egg
list (task) listTasks listTasks  
add (task) addTask d/DETAILS dl/DEADLINE [t/TAG] addTask d/Restock Eggs dl/2022-12-12 t/Urgent  
delete (task) deleteTask <task index> deleteTask 1  
edit (task) editTask <task index> <attribute name>/ <new value> editTask 1 dl/2029-12-12  
mark (task) mark <task index> mark 1  
unmark (task) unmark <task index> unmark 2  
list (supply item) listInventory listInventory  
add (supply item) addItem <supplier index> c/CURRENTSTOCK m/MINIMUMSTOCK addItem 2 c/10 m/3  
delete (supply item) deleteItem <item index> deleteItem 2  
edit stock (supply item) editStock <item index> c/CURRENTSTOCK editStock 2 c/12  
list (all items) listAll listAll  

6. Appendix

6.1 Colors used in the Inventory

Detailed Explanation

Color Meaning How is it determined ?
🔴 Red Running low, restock as soon as possible. Less than 120% of minimum stock specified.
🟠 Orange Running at a moderate level, can consider restocking soon. More than and equal to 120% of minimum stock specified and less than 165% of minimum stock.
🟢 Green Running at a healthy level, no worries about restocking. More than and equal to 165% of minimum stock specified.

More details

What is minimum stock?

  • Minimum stock refers the minimum amount of stock in which the canteen vendor feel is required for daily operations.
  • The minimum stock is a parameter supplied by the user when using the addItem command.
  • Current stock refers to the amount of stock the canteen vendor current have in the inventory.

Example on how the colours are determined:

Context: a user wants to keep track of the amount of eggs in its inventory.

For example, the minimum stock required for daily operation is 100.

When it shows green colour: Our current stock is More than and equal to 165% of minimum stock specified.

  1. For this case, 165% of 100 eggs is 165 eggs.
  2. If our current stock has 165 eggs and above it will display green.

When it shows yellow colour: Our current stock must be More than and equal to 120% of minimum stock specified and less than 165% of minimum stock specified.

  1. For this case, 120% of 100 eggs is 120 eggs and 165% if 100 eggs 165 eggs.
  2. If our current stock is between 120 eggs inclusive and 165 eggs exclusive it will display yellow.

When it shows red colour: Our current stock must be Less than 120% of minimum stock specified.

  1. For this case, 120% of 100 eggs is 120 eggs.
  2. If our current stock is less than 120 eggs it will display red.

Back to Colors

6.2 Command Line Interface (CLI)

  • CLI is a medium or a platform, where a user writes a command to answer a visual prompt and then receives a response from the system/device.
  • In the case of Salesy, the CLI is used heavily to allow the user to perform commands.

6.3 Graphical User Interface (GUI)

  • In a GUI, you get various menus for making things easy, such as buttons, windows, scrollbars etc. It is very intuitive yet simple to use, even for a newbie.
  • In the case of Salesy, we utilize the GUI to give the user a visual view of their commands done from the CLI.

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